Saturday, April 12, 2008

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The soluble fibres of the Proactol diet supplement bind with various bile acids making a viscous solution which has the ability to slow down digestion of sugar into the body. This gives you the feeling of being full for longer so suppressing the appetite.

It also means that as a individual you can be certain that Proactol is safe for consumption, unlike many competing weight loss medications that have no regulatory certificates. The ingredients are 100 percent organic and 100 percent natural.

If you are having a problem with weight management and keeping a healthy weight then you also might consider Proactol. Weight management can be difficult and it gets harder as you get older.Proactol is not recommended for everbody however. It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. It must not be taken during pregnancy or when breast feeding, or if your BMI (Body Mass Index) is below 18.5.

If you have kidney disease or kidney stones, avoid taking this medication on a regular basis. If in doubt, or if you have any medical complaints, consult your health-care professional before taking this medication.

The non-soluble fibers in Proactol bind with dietary fats making a gel around the dietary fat making the dietary fat too big for our bodies to absorb. This allows the dietary fat to be passed naturally through our body.

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proactol RSS FeedApril 11, 2008 Religion Calendar - Clovis News Journal

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 03:37:24 GMT

April 11, 2008 Religion Calendar
Clovis News Journal, NM - Apr 10, 2008
Diet, Discipline and Discipleship weight loss group. Information: 763-4638. Prayer Group — 9:30 am, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1320 W. 21st St. ...

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